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Bridget Gibbons

Project Co-Manager

Bridget graduated from Northwestern University in 2014 with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering, a minor in Environmental Policy, and a certificate in Sustainability and Energy. Following four years of work as an environmental consultant, Bridget is excited to continue her education at the Bren School as a Sustainable Water Markets Fellow specializing in Water Resources Management and Environmental Economics and Politics. In the future Bridget hopes to analyze and develop policies that encourage multi-benefit water management strategies and promote the resiliency of both water supplies and ecosystems. In her free time, Bridget enjoys hiking, scuba diving, and exploring new places around California.


Claire Madden

Project Co-Manager

Finance Manager  

Claire graduated cum laude from the University of Vermont (UVM) Honors College in 2016 with a Bachelor of Science in Community Development and Applied Economics. As a recipient of the Sustainable Water Markets Fellowship, Claire is continuing her education at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management in environmental economics and water resource management. After earning her master’s degree, she hopes to research and develop interdisciplinary strategies for policy design to promote healthy ecosystems and protect essential freshwater resources for current and future generations. In her free time, Claire enjoys hiking, snowboarding, gardening, cooking, yoga, and ceramics.


Jenny Balmagia

Jenny graduated from Reed College in 2014 with a Bachelor of Arts in Biology. After 3 years of researching and restoring wetlands in California’s Central Coast she is excited to continue her education at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management where she is specializing in Water Resources Management with a focus in Environmental Data Science. With her degree, Jenny hopes to develop multiple-benefit programs to incentivize watershed restoration and protection. When not studying, Jenny can be found rock climbing around her home-state of California or making jewelry.


Anna Perez Welter

While studying Anthropology at Oregon State University, Anna discovered that cultural and environmental practices are inextricably linked, and that many pressing issues such as modern development, industrial agriculture, pollution and land rights require an interdisciplinary approach. Seeking tangible and widely applicable solutions, Anna is specializing in Water Resource Management and is pursuing a career in watershed management and community sustainability. In the long-term, she intends to develop an environmental consulting firm with an interdisciplinary team to serve communities domestically and in South America. When not studying or traveling, Anna enjoys cooking, hiking, watching films and singing.



Scott Jasechko, PhD

Assistant Professor

Water Resources, Hydrology,

Groundwater, Sustainability

Bob Wilkinson, PhD

Adjunct Professor, Water Policy



Kamyar Guivetchi
Department of Water Resources
Statewide Water Planning Manager 


Francisco Flores, PhD

Water Resources Engineer

CA Department of Water Resources

Jennifer Marr

Supervising Engineer

CA Department of Water Resources

Water Resources Division

of Statewide Integrated

Water Management

Allison Horst, PhD

Bren School of Environmental Science & Management

UC Santa Barbara

Daniel Mountjoy, PhD

Director of Resource Stewardship

Sustainable Conservation

Stephanie Anagnoson


Department of Water and Natural Resources, Madera County

James Frew, PhD

Associate Professor — Environmental Informatics

Bren School of Environmental Science & Management

UC Santa Barbara

Andrew Ayres, PhD

Research Fellow

Public Policy Institute of California

Sarah Fakhreddine, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

University of Texas, Austin

Thomas Harter, PhD


Department of Land,

Air and Water Resources

UC Davis

Helen Dahlke, PhD

Associate Professor--

Physical Hydrology

Department of Land,

Air and Water Resources

UC Davis

Kelsey Jack, PhD

Associate Professor —

Environmental and Development Economics

Bren School of Environmental Science & Management

UC Santa Barbara

Christina Babbitt

Senior Manager

California Groundwater Program

Environmental Defense Fund

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